Ever wonder what you'll do with your time when you retire? This retired history teacher has created a pioneer village where he shares the history of our Posey County. We had some delicious burgoo in Solitude last Thursday. Thanks Jerry!
Another retiree, Mary Dixon, has written a poetry book and will soon have a book signing at Barnes & Noble. She asked me to create a place for her on the web. Check out her accomplishments at http://www.faithfirstpoetry.blogspot.com/
Both of my parents are retired teachers. They both taught for 35 years in Pennsylvania. My dad taught high school physical education and biosport (sports medicine for students) and my mother taught high school biology. Since his retirement, my father has come to my school once a year on career day to talk with my sixth graders about a career in sports medicine. It is awesome to see them totally engaged in his talk. He tapes them up and puts different splints and braces on them. He really reaches the athletic students who don't have much interest in school. It is really cool to see.
It is so great to see retired teachers continue to educate and use their great skills. The retired teacher, in many cases, has a renewed passion for teaching in this informal manner. One of my retired teacher friends, who taught gifted education, decided to become certified in ESL and was just hired by a local association to teach ESL 3 hours day in the city of Pittsburgh. Her excitement for the position affected me so much that I have decided to volunteer at the center one day a week.
Joy Grandi
Someone who still enjoys the art of teaching even after retirement is truly passionate about their career. These are the types of dedicated individuals that truly make a different in the lives of young people.
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