Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Read/Write Web - Real Educational Wonders!

We've been working on newspaper skills in our reading class this week, and in our language arts class, we been working on writing the perfect sentence, the perfect paragraph, and the perfect story using the Simple 6 Method. We are also beginning our Veterans' Day project where students will interview a veteran and create a book about/for them.

The Read/Write Web offers excellent opportunities for the students to practice all the skills they are learning in reading and language arts. Creating blogs will give the students the power of a reporter plus the feedback for self-evaluation. Wow, what wonderful tools for our learning environments!


Justin Arthur said...

I really enjoyed taking a look at your blog. You have some very interesting and creative ideas that I'm sure you students appreciate! Thanks for sharing! -Justin

Justin Arthur said...

I really enjoyed taking a look at your blog. You have some very interesting and creative ideas that I'm sure you students appreciate! Thanks for sharing! -Justin

Ashleigh Dzurik said...

I think blogging with their fellow students would be a fun way for students to practice ther reading/writing skills. I think it would be cool to start the blog with a story starter and then students take turns adding onto the story. I love the idea of interviewing veterans and then creating books for them! My mom works at our local VA hospital and my students always make cards for my mom to pass out. She always tells me how much the veterans love this! I am sure they will be thrilled with their own books!

Michele Volpe said...

I like how you incorporate using the newspaper to help students develop reading skills. Even at the high school level,students need practice at this skill. The Read/Write web really does allow students to practice their writing skills across subject areas.

Mary Feagley said...

Love the picture of those two...

Chris Harrington said...

I love he idea of using the read/write web for engaging students in writing projects. It's amazing how well students respond to using such tools...and all it takes is for a teacher to extend herself/himself and provide the opportunities for students!

Digital Diva said...


I've never heard of the 'Simple 6 Methods' and unfortunately, when I clicked on the link I came on to a webpage with just hyperlinks along the left side (almost seemed like to was a 'dead link'). I also wonder about posting images with students on our blogs. Does your district have an AUP which allows for this? I know that I am always extremely careful when it comes to student images -- I tend to just take images of their work or if their face happens to get into a picture I want to use (aka 'photobombing') I will put an shape over the face and I have seen other bloggers do the same. I hope we will have an opportunity to discuss this in our group. I would like to hear what my classmates have to say and whether any of their districts addresses this specific issue. That said, the kids sure do look like they are having fun!
