Saturday, September 10, 2011

This year marks the bicentennial of the historic New Orleans and its successful voyage from Pittsburg, PA to New Orleans, LA. We have been studying this famous voyage and the many unique events that occured that year. Storyteller Susan Fowler came to school to give us an interactive performance of the voyage. As a culminating activity, our honors reading and language arts class created a steamboat. We were very proud of our class float for Mt. Vernon River Days.
The 1811 New Orleans.
We won first place!
Whoo Hoo!
Way to go Honors!


Anonymous said...

Sure look like the kids start thinking about college at an early. Notice all the colleges represented on their T-shirts. What a nice variety.
--Joni P from class

Joni P from Class said...

Sure look like the kids start thinking about college at an early. Notice all the colleges represented on their T-shirts. What a nice variety.

Mary Feagley said...

Joni, I hadn't noticed that! Maybe it was a spirit day...we have those and one of them is "college shirt day." Might just be in fashion, though!